Money Video Series
This series has been added to the Financial Freedom Bundle
"The Money Video Series" that offers SIX NEW VIDEOS:
- How to Beat Inflation
- Student Loan Forgiveness Update
- How to Bring in More Money
- Online Side Hustles
- Investing Basics
- High Yield Savings Account
Each one of these videos are designed to help you win with your money not only today, but for the rest of your life!
See more in the video below.
Your Instructor
Ja’Net Adams is an International speaker, author, and the CEO of EMACK Consulting, but when she was in college she let money rule her life. She graduated from South Carolina State University with a Bachelor of Science in Marketing. A short time after graduation she found herself in nearly $50,000 of debt! She dug out of the debt in two years by following the principles that she now speaks about to audiences all around the world as a professional motivational speaker. She speaks around the world to various corporations, universities and high schools about Financial Literacy.
Ja’Net and her team help businesses take the next step in employee engagement. Their services and products help employees with their finances and as a result makes the employee more engaged at work. At Higher Education Institutions students use the information provided by Ja’Net to pay off student loan debt quickly after graduation and in turn participate in the economy earlier.
She recently released on Amazon her second book “The Money Attractor! Everyone’s Guide To Winning With Money So They Can Live Their Dreams!” Her first book was “Debt Sucks University: A College Student’s Guide To Winning With Money So They Can Live Their Dreams!” and her advice has been featured on BBC, CNBC, Huffington Post, Forbes, Black Enterprise Magazine, Good Morning America, Fox Business, JET Magazine,,, USA Today, USA Today College, and NPR’s Marketplace Money.